careIT is the smartest and most intuitive nursing software. Automated., Time-saving., Easy to use.
careIT offers AI-driven decision support.

We care for care!
Based in Europe's vibrant start-up capital Berlin, nursIT Institute is a leader in healthcare innovation.
Nurses and clinicians are overburdened with administrative tasks - up to 60% of their time is spent on documentation, reducing the time available for direct patient care.
That is why we created careIT, a groundbreaking nursing and treatment software that digitizes, streamlines and automates documentation. Leveraging state-of-the-art algorithms and predictive technology, careIT gives caregivers back the time to focus on what matters most - the patient.
careIT autonomously handles routine tasks, identifies potential health risks and recommends effective care interventions. It improves the quality of care, increases patient safety and reduces readmissions.
Built entirely on the HL7® FHIR® standard and including a FHIR Clinical Data Repository (CDR), careIT offers unmatched interoperability and efficiency. Third-party systems and best-of-breed applications can be easily integrated via FHIR to extend the functionality of your workstation system, for example by incorporating advanced sensor technology.
Contact us today to learn how careIT can transform your healthcare practice and help you focus on what really matters. Join us in shaping the future of digital healthcare.
careIT is the new way to plan, monitor, and document care.
careIT simplifies the work of caregivers and therapists.
We have created a cutting-edge, user-friendly software that not only supports the daily care process and care documentation using AI and prediction, but can also handle routine tasks automatically and autonomously. careIT is mobile and can be used interoperably in all care settings and sectors.
careIT is interdisciplinary.
With careIT, doctors can access information about their patients at any time and perform documentation tasks at the point of care. Our e-chart including medication is the interdisciplinary information hub of careIT and supports doctors with intuitive treatment documentation.
careIT generates revenues automatically.
From a management standpoint, the AI-driven care documentation enhances patient safety, staff satisfaction, and overall care quality. Many new process metrics enable better care management. The automated extraction of billing data by careIT not only ensures the precision and efficiency of revenue processes but also fortifies the financial integrity of care management.
careIT is highly interoperable.
careIT is highly interoperable and works with other software systems via modern interfaces (HL7 FHIR). On this basis, the integration of careIT into an already existing infrastructure is particularly easy and no extra effort is required for the IT during the implementation process.

What is careIT Light?, Pro?, One?
careIT is the professional extension of your HIS system with professional, interoperable care documentation.
careIT careIT is available in three configurations.
Basic Version
careIT Light
Included in the package:
Patient dashboard (without graphical input of admissions, discharges, and wounds)
Anamnesis (customizable)
Assessment (SeMPA) without measures
Automated data analysis and evaluation (without triggers for information to social services and nursing specialists)
Nursing record
User management
Pro Version
careIT Pro
Included in the package:
Patient dashboard
Anamnesis (customizable)
Assessment (SeMPA)
Automated data analysis and evaluation
Care planning
Evaluation and re-assessment
Wound documentation
Nursing record
Bed overview
Nursing plan
Billing key figures
User management
CareIntelligence careIN
Online portal for eLearning of careIT functions
Pro Version + e-Chart
careIT One
Included in the package:
Patient dashboard
Anamnesis (customizable)
Assessment (SeMPA)
Automated data analysis & evaluation
Care planning
Evaluation and re-assessment
Wound documentation
Nursing record
Bed overview
Nursing plan
Billing key figures
User management
CareIntelligence careIN
Online portal for eLearning of careIT functions
Digital, mobile patient chart
Patient Safety & Quality of Care
Simplified Nursing Documentation
Preventive & Predictive Care
Employee Satisfaction
Automated Revenues
Interoperability (FHIR® Technology)
Solutions & Features in careIT

Assessment & Catalogue of Measures
The core of careIT is SeMPA, our meta-nursing assessment. With the aid of artificial intelligence, nursing-relevant risks and scores are derived from the assessment, and corresponding nursing measures are suggested.

The Interdisciplinary Information Hub
Our eChart contains all the vital parameters. Additionally, data obtained from (including patient-owned) measuring devices, sensors, and smart aids are also clearly displayed here. .

Wound Description & Wound Photography
Not only wounds but also all admissions, discharges, or other features on the patient's body can be recorded and their chronological sequence evaluated here. Care professionals can integrate photos into wound reports and calculate wound dimensions in photos.
Other features:
Dashboard careIN
careIN (Intelligence)
... provides decision-makers in nursing with a variety of statistics and real-time representations as a basis for decisions, for example, for patient flow control, staff deployment, or training planning.
Messenger careCOM
Fast Patient-Centered Communication
Members of different professional groups, who are unable to communicate face-to-face, have the option to use our messenger system. The patient-related conversation from this system can then be added to the respective patient's file.
Bed Planning bedIT
Data, Occupancy and Staff Planning
bedIT provides information on bed occupancy from ward level to hospital network level with data that facilitates occupancy and staff planning. The bed status can be determined and a feature to search for beds is available.
Therapy Planner planIT
Smart Calendar
Our therapy planner, planIT operates like a multi-level calendar, managing both individual and group appointments. From these appointments, sessions can be created to document complex treatments and facilitate the billing of services to health insurance providers.
Chancen in Zentralasien: Unser Besuch in Kasachstan und Usbekistan
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nursIT bei SantExpo in Paris
May 21, 2024 by nursIT Redaktion